Why do people get conned into supporting charlatans whose real interest is just to get even more rich and powerful at the expense of everyone else? The grandest political lies are too often hidden in plain sight. Explore their unmasking with our Anti-Con novels – 'Kuan's Wonderland'; 'Whitehall through the Looking Glass'; and 'The Hunting of the Gods'.
19 December 2012
'Kuan's Wonderland' for Schools
A national project in 2013 is bringing 'Kuan's Wonderland' to readers aged 14 upwards with a set of specially produced learning resources. In addition to the fast-paced story line and intriguing plot twists, you will be able to find out more about the allegorical aspects of this political fable, the allusions to other literary works, and references to contemporary issues. If you would like to know more, details can be obtained from The Equality Trust.