Why do people get conned into supporting charlatans whose real interest is just to get even more rich and powerful at the expense of everyone else? The grandest political lies are too often hidden in plain sight. Explore their unmasking with our Anti-Con novels – 'Kuan's Wonderland'; 'Whitehall through the Looking Glass'; and 'The Hunting of the Gods'.
28 July 2012
New Review of Kuan just out
Kuan's Wonderland has just been reviewed by Trish Burns in Fantasy Book Review. Positive, insightful, and no hint of a spoiler on the numerous plot-twists. Here's an extract from the review: "The story is original and very engaging. The fast-moving adventure in a new world, which sparkles with visually captivating creatures and imaginative technology, has already begun by the first line. He faces many challenges of which the main one is to hold onto his independent view and his compassion for those affected by the actions of others. The search for his father, his mainstay throughout the story, ends in a way which is credible yet astonishing. The book does not pull its punches about the way in which people (and aliens) treat each other. In engaging with real-world troubles which don’t have tidy solutions, it offers more than we normally expect from the fantasy genre." Read the full review here: http://www.fantasybookreview.co.uk/book-reviews/kuans-wonderland-by-henry-tam/